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Bike trainer setup - responses to the issues

What gear should I use on my bike trainer?

Generally leave it in a middle gear when in erg mode and dont change gear. I recently did the Antelope workout which has 10-min intervals at around 90% FTP. Since I use a smart trainer in ERG mode, I normally do not shift gears and just leave it in my small chainring and a cog that makes the chain straight.25 дек. 2018 г.

There are many good reasons to cycle indoors - it is really time-saving.You can easily adapt it to your obligations in the other life.You can also train outside that you are simply not on the road and that it usually does not rain, such as when you are not actually allowed to go out But fear not, in this article we will show you what you need bike doors you just have to invest in a few pieces of equipment and then you are gone for the time being, so to speak.When you look at an exercise bike versus an actual purchase, for many of us indoor cycling belongs to the kind of bite you find in the gym or that vintage exercise bike you find on your grandma just remember that luckily there are better options.

First, it's easiest to use your actual bike and hook it up to an indoor or turbo trainer flywheel that creates resistance against the rear tire and just starts pedaling. Now a quick Google search reveals that you can get basic indoor turbo trainers delivered to your door for just a hundred pounds or a hundred dollars, but if you go on eBay and get a used one, even less, and by and large there are three different types, the cheapest are usually wind resistance generators so they are pretty noisy and pretty noisy then you have a magnetic reluctance in the flywheel usually you can also adjust this over anything so you can increase or decrease the resistance and then there is a liquid resistance Getting this More and more expensive fluid would be my pick, but it depends on your budget, once you've ordered your turbo trainer all you have to do now is put your bike on it and then put something under the front wheel just to lift it up slightly to get you in a better position i would suggest and all the yellow pages if you get one flying around n, so they're the essentials, but there are a few other equivalents of uipment, we recommend something that you can put under your indoor training kit to catch a sweat. Now there are special mats that you can buy, but these can be quite expensive and there are less expensive options for a yoga mat to work really well, or a towel or old rug, unfortunately our actual living room rug can also get very hot when you're inside drive because you don't have the cooling effect when the air sweeps past you while driving outdoors.

So there are a couple of things you can do to cool yourself down with an old fan lying around, definitely dig out if you can't get fans you can pick up fans pretty cheaply these days, so a few of them would be useful and recommend some liquid as well to have hand and also put a towel in it, with which you can simply wipe off the sweat.And finally, when you are riding in the hall with smooth racing bike tires, you will find that it is much quieter on an Aturbo trainer than when you are on one Tread tires or a mountain bike tire use more noise a real racket that can be really annoying by other people you live with or your neighbors so you can buy like a slick tire and put it on your bike, and we recommend There are actually special tires for turbo trainers. They are not absolutely necessary, but they work really well they are for that redesigned and they also protect your tires from wearing out they are really tough and won't wear out on the next trainer I would highly recommend you have some kind of entertainment when you drive along something that you can follow like a gym class when you are just jump on the bike and have nothing to pay attention to then i guarantee even if you start with the best of intentions after about 30 seconds you will be totally bored now some people like to turn on the tv or watch a film and it definitely works again without it Having some sort of structure that you can follow after about 30 seconds, you probably feel like you're just sitting on an uncomfortable version of your sofa instead of suggesting you do something that will give you a purpose in a workout where it tells you when to kick hard, when to kick lightly, and by putting the training into these Splitting up small manageable chunks with small goals, it will now just fly by.

Maybe we can help you here at GCN so that we have a huge library of free online offerings, sessions available on YouTube where you can watch indoor workouts. They also offer instructions from incredibly inspiring charismatic and handsome people who wrote this seriously anyway. There is everything from short intense 15-20 minute hit workouts to 60 minute epics and everything in between can make a lot of great quality in a short amount of time, work on an indoor trainer and burn a pile of calories and get mega fit so there you go those are the basics it really is that easy one last thing just to keep in mind and that is the type of axle your bike has in the back so whether it is a bike with disc brakes, whether it has a thru axle or a quick release is the most now indoo r trainers support quick releases so just check if your bike is supported by the trainer so you can get higher quality and more sophisticated turbo trainers that offer a much more realistic and immersive indoor riding experience like direct drive trainers.

A good example is the wahookicker where you remove your rear wheel and directly attach your bike to it, they weigh an absolute ton, but that's good because they have a really heavy flywheel and the really heavy flywheel is capable of a lot Creating inertia which translates into a realistic riding experience that feels like riding an outdoor bike more than that, although they are also smart so they can wirelessly connect to your computer or tablet or whatever you're using and the resistance can automatically adjust to the terrain you are on in a virtual world so that you can simulate hills and descents on a whole different level that is just a lot more immersive and a lot more entertaining and there is tons of software and platforms out there that you can put on your laptop or tablet or smartphone and then connect to the trainer so that you can use T have ones like Leidenfest and Trainerstraße. These have structured workouts that can be tailored to your current fitness level and then you follow those and there is entertainment and stuff that pops up on the screen to make it more stimulating and then there are others that allow you to get into one virtual environment so you have Keno card ruviergt cycling and the big hits are of course Swift and there is one in the virtual world too because you can actually drive with people you know and other people with their avatars also drive in the virtual world. This is great because you can so effectively escape the isolation and confinement of your home and interact with other people or be in a virtual environment, you can race on their group rides of all kinds and you will find all skill levels, even from absolute beginners to touring deFrance champions you've found this article useful and if you have any questions about indoor cycling or training then just post them on social media and we'll do our best to answer them and come back to you too, if You want to see a article of a budget basic Swift setup that's set up for what you need then we have this below too oh and you can click the screen to do some GCN-free indoor workouts too to obtain

Where should I set up my indoor bike trainer?

The space should have a hard, level floor and nearby outlet if you plan on plugging in a TV, computer, fan, or your smart-trainer, and if possible, look for a spot near a window for easy temperature regulation. Lastly, consider noise and what's going on in your house during your standard training time.9 апр. 2020 г.

Do you change gears on a bike trainer?

Even a basic bike trainer can be adjusted to change the resistance by just shifting gears which may be all of the change that you need. Some trainers are even computerized so you can simulate an actual race and race conditions.

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If you are new to cycling, using gears and gear selection can be quite complicated. There are so many other different things to think about that it can be very easy to do something wrong or not care if you don't take it for granted - that's right, so if you do that then don't worry, GCN's own beginner's guide to using road bike gears comes along. (modern techno music) - So let's first look at how it works.On most modern racing bikes, the shift levers are built into the brakes, so you're braking on the left-hand side brake, here that actually shifts the rear mech, so from the big gear to the small gear and vice versa.

The larger the rear sprocket, the easier the gear, but the opposite can be said for the front, the larger the chainring in the front, the more difficult it is to pedal. Clear as mud? We know it. If you swivel both levers inwards, so right and left, right first, the lever swings inwards turns you into a bigger gear at the back, which actually makes it easier.

Now I have electric gears here so I'm just with the paddles, now if you swivel the mechanical lever inward on the left side or tap the electric paddle it spins to a bigger gear on the front or the chainring, what is actually harder, and then when you've tapped the paddles or the button of the mechanical system, the opposite happens. (Techno music) - So now you know which lever does what. When should you use them? Your right hand to change gears in the back.

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This is because the actual differences between gears are much smaller back here, so there is little change in the speed you pedal or your cadence as you change gears. it is only when you have reached the extreme ends of the rear sprockets, i.e. the really big or the very small ones, that you then consider switching to another chainring with your left hand and making a bigger jump with it.

The only thing to keep in mind about the circuit is that they are there to help you. They are there to help you pedal with the correct cadence. Well what that could be depends a lot on you, but we would say that in general we want to look at around 80 revolutions per minute.

That would be kind of normal. (Techno Music) - So now you know how to change gears and when to change gears. Well, here are a few pointers on how to get the most out of your gears. - Yes, firstly, you want to avoid at all costs changing gears when you can.

Make sure you step really hard on the pedals, especially from the large to the small chainrings in the front. The best thing you can do now is to predict when to switch. So if you look ahead you can see when you are coming up on a hill climb or a sharp bend or intersection, and in all of those cases you will then want to switch from the big chainring to the smaller one. - Yes, anticipating what's ahead and getting the gear shift nice and early is something we would really recommend.

There's nothing wrong with temporarily turning a low gear a little longer than you'd like, but don't worry, the incline will kick in soon and you'll be in the right gear at the right time. Also, remember for an advanced technique because when As you switch between the front chainrings, there's a pretty big jump between the two. To make that jump seem a little smaller, just try shifting gears in the back one or two gears at a time.

So when you go from the small chainring to the large chainring, you are grouping a few gears at the rear. This makes the jump a little less. This is not a given, but definitely worth practicing.- But this is a thriving top tip.- Top tip.- Well, something to try and avoid, although I have to admit we do have done it all from time to time, and I actually do it now, just out of effect, is cross-chaining.

Well, cross-chaining is when you put your chain on the big chainring in front and the big sprocket in the back, or vice versa, the small chainring in front and the smallest sprocket in the back I'm going to transform back now. - Well, speak for you, Matt, but I do actually allowed to cross - is that you? - Yes. Well it's a bit confusing I know, but there are different manufacturers of gears with slight differences.

I use some called SRAM and I am actually allowed to cruise. They are designed for that. Well, these subtle differences are actually something that we have explored in the past.

We have a article about it that we will link to shortly. Before we do that, I'm just going to remind you, make sure you subscribe to GCN, it's completely free to do, just click on the globe and you are in the right place for any future content, which are yet to come.- Now the article that Simon referred to so well just moments ago, Gear Shifters explains, how about just clicking here below.

And to index your gears just click here below. And don't forget to like and share this article too. am I? - Yes, do it.

Well, you may, I am not.- Yes.- I know.

Do you change gears on a smart trainer?

If you have a controllable smart trainer (one with resistance) then you can use gears. When riding an event or just free riding in one of the worlds the trainer will automatically react to the gradient and you will be forced to change gear to match that gradient, just as you would do outdoors.

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more people who invest in smart trainers but they are so full of tech that you get the most of it. We're doing this article with Wahoo to make sure you're the trainer you ride I think it's probably fair to say that most people who invest in an indoor trainer are right smart trainers doing this in conjunction with the training apps from third-party providers such as rift or thesufferfest. The combination of these two really turns indoor cycling from something that was a bit of a hassle to something people even consider enjoyable these days.You've already done this, download a free trial and simulate riding on the Street or racing the Swift while sticking to a rigorous workout session with the festival of suffering the mostsmart trainers are now equipped with their own platform that allows you to take advantage of all of those extra features you've already done or done that you've created, just upload the GPX file to your Element and have the smart trainer replicate it exactly so you can prepare for a specific event, for example, or in the comfort of your home, or if you're exercising properly, get it real the best out of the training aspect or your smart trainer.

You'll want to take advantage of the fact that it has an accurate and built-in power meter, so a fitness test first to find out how strong you really are and when you have the data that it will help you plan and perform a really good exercise program with it smarter not harder definitely applies these days since we know Chris has fitness levels we can use something called AG mode or torture mode, what does this effectively is that it is in control of the workout you have chosen trainer which means it literally creates the exact amount of resistance it takes to keep you at the performance selected by the workout and what that is, that is, as you pedal more slowly the trainer creates more resistance so you still get the keep the same power output or vice versa, if you pedal faster, the resistance is reduced and at the same time the same power is still generated Orkout of Choices to Take Out the Book If you're like me and you're on the open road, you likely overcook the first few intervals and then struggle to finish the session, but when Herbal Mode is on you know you're doing the workout consistently how we're going to conclude is that 400 watts do when we mate, it's not great getting the most out of your driving with the ERG mode. There is definitely one particular technique that you want to practice and that is the interval start and cadence before the turbo trainer increases the resistance, pedaling faster, so if you don't get ready it will not only feel really weird, but Worst of all, you might not even be able to get out on the aisle and hit the correct part numbers which would disable odd mode, and when it comes to spring training we definitely recommend disabling it completely. Do you want to train for flat roads or hills or a little bit? both, because thinking about your gear choices at your intervals has a subtle yet important impact on what you are training your body for, e.g.

B. If you choose easy gears and therefore the flywheel turns more slowly but with more resistance to achieve the same performance, then the climb is simulated, while on the other hand, if you use a harder gear, the flywheel turns for a given performance turns faster, which simulates driving on flat roads because the inertia variation created by rotating the flywheel at different speeds actually affects how you give power through the pedals, the theory suggests that your leg muscles actually fire depending on different rates the sluggishness you feel from the pedals so we looked at the third party interactive apps before but I'm going to touch on another aspect of that now and that is the social side of things, especially when it comes to swift tracing or swift group rides I think the smart trainer makes this experience really captivating, which you don't wi Getting rid of files, and it certainly helps, for a bit longer than I might say, files about this myself make me feel overtaken by all of these other people out there, no matter how smart your trainer is going to remind you that you are still in the Drive hall. The best thing you can do to get the most out of your workout is try to stay as cool as possible, if you get too tough your body will literally keep you from working hard to protect yourself and with that in mind, keep openwindows plenty of fluids on hand and make sure you have some sort of fan in front of you, nice wahoo headwind one is a bells-and-whistle example of how it can connect to your heart rate and trainer thing means it varies its frequency based on how fast you go or how hard you work, but most importantly it has a monster airflow, but anything I'm better than nothing to try and keep you cool, so now you know how to just lose the wick, it wasn't your idea me but it's okay now, now you know how to get the most out of your smart trainer that is perfectly timed, given the weather s that we have here in the Northern Hemisphere so why not go to the GTN shop if like me you want to replace your turbo trainer towel before then why not the last GCN Aswhiff race we had in CentralLondon That was brutal on the screen right now, yeah, it was on it, yeah

Do bike trainers damage bikes?

While there is the possibility of an indoor trainer inflicting damage on an expensive carbon bike, so can crashing out on the road, or letting your bike fall over at a coffee shop.10 авг. 2020 г.

Are indoor bike trainers worth it?

When it comes to the actual workout, you really can't go wrong with either. Both indoor bike trainers and stationary bikes can provide high-quality aerobic exercise, as long as you're willing to put in the work. If your main goal is to improve your cardiovascular health and/or burn calories, the choice is yours.31 авг. 2020 г.

Do I change gears on a smart trainer?

Normally when you're doing a workout you do it in ERG mode and you don't need to change gear as your smart trainer will change resistance to match the workout power target. Just free riding or racing you will need to change gear as your smart trainer will change resistance to match the terrain.22 авг. 2018 г.

Do you change gears on a turbo trainer?

No need to change gear here, Zwift tells the trainer what the resistance should be at any given moment, you just have to keep those pedals spinning.

Is Zwift worth it without a smart trainer?

For best experience, a smart trainer is recommended for Zwift. However, if you only have a classic trainer, then getting a power meter or a speed and cadence sensor for your bike will make it possible for you to enjoy Zwift.

Should I change gears in ERG mode?

Generally, when you stand outside, you want to shift up a few gears (say 3 harder on the cassette). The higher gear keeps the wheel speed, but allows for the slower pedaling cadence. So you can do the same thing while riding inside, even in ERG mode. Ride seated at 90 rpm cadence, using your desired gear combo.21 янв. 2020 г.

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